Sponsor a Child

Children growing up in  poverty and in rural areas are the most deprived of the right of education and  health, they are at risk of  hunger and malnutrition,  if they have problems children are at risk of social discrimination and an unhappy life. Often girls do not complete school and end up in early marriages and boys are not able to complete theirs studies.

But with support, love and care, sponsored children can get the education, healthcare, life skills and the confidence they need for life, the support given to them and the community  where they live will create real changes to help them out of poverty.

A positive childhood will create an impact in their whole life and will give the children the confidence they need to be adults and contribute themselves to end poverty for themselves and for others.

Sponsorship programmes aim to help children (boys and girls) who live in remote rural areas and are facing difficult conditions (orphans or vulnerable or disabled) and who often cannot attend school. These children are identified by the teachers in school.

Thanks to your support, these children have the opportunity to study and grow up healthy and to live in their own community without being left behind.

If you intend to sponsor a child, we will send you the information and a photo of the child, the support is $22 a month.

Your contributions are used to support the child with school fees, books, soap and other essential, part of the money will be used as well for  projects and activities in favour of the other children and the school at large, the support will help not only the sponsored children but the entire community.

If you sponsor a child, we hope that you will be able to follow them until the end of the primary school (grade 7), once completed the grade 7 exam, you can choose to stop the sponsorship, or to continue (if the child has passed the exam), or you can support another child.

But the sponsorship and the payment can be interrupted at any time in which case we will try our best to support the child.

Once a year, normally before Christmas, you will receive a photo of the sponsored child, together with a message or drawing, if the child is unable to write the message it will be written by the teacher or a PNA educator.

The messages and photos can be send by mail, e mail or Whatapp if you prefer.

On annual basis, if you like we will send you the our Annual report by mail, explaining the all the activities carried out during the year.

You can write to the child and give them support and encouragement, send them postcards, letters or little presents, don’t send money or expensive valued items.

In your letter you should encourage the child to stay in school, to believe in themselves and to value education above all.

Once received the letter is given to the child and the family by the teachers or by the PNA Educators.

We advise you to communicate in English and keep the letter short and simple.

You are welcome to visit the child here in Zambia. The organization and the cost of the trip will be at your own responsibility but we are here to give you all the necessary information and support so that this would be a more memorable experience. Once here our staff will be at your disposal to accompany you to get to know the child or the school you are in contact with by visiting the school itself and the village.