Pamodzi Ndi Ana
Together with Children
A brief history
The principles inspiring “Pamodzi Ndi Ana” or PNA are to assert the values of peace, solidarity, tolerance and co-operation amongst people.
The Organization is non-political, it pursues solidarity and humanitarian purposes only, it is a non-profit.
The organization works, in line with the sustainable development Goals, mainly focusing on Good Health, Quality Education, and Clean water and sanitation.
Our history
We are a local Zambian NGO started in 2006 by people that love Zambia and have at their heart their people, especially children.
Initially the organization was a small Zambian branch of an Italian NGO (under a different name), but thanks to support from Italy, over the years the organization grew and in 2011 we were supporting over 2500 students in 23 schools. Apart from sponsoring individual students, the organization focused on improving school infrastructures through building new classroom blocks and VIP (Ventilating Improved Pit) latrines, allowing for many schools to become rehabilitated. All buildings were constructed with support from the local community and then handed over to Ministry of Education.
In 2014 the Sponsorship program phased out and from 2011 to 2018 we worked in partnership with Fondazione ACRA in a project funded by the European Union Delegation to Zambia.
The project focused on supporting 26 community schools in the Chipangali Constituency, Chipata Distract, Zambia. We supported them by improving infrastructure (through the construction of a new Teacher Recourse Centre, construction of 6 classroom block schools) and water & sanitation (the drilling of more than 25 boreholes and the construction of 34 VIP latrines, as well as SWASH (School Water Sanitation and Hygiene) training and training in borehole maintenance).
PNA in the last two years was involved in many different but still as important projects: Boreholes have been drilled in areas where water was scarce, and sometimes even absent in dry periods, they have worked on HIV prevention, built nutrition centres, schools and maternity clinics, worked with opticians from Italy to provide glasses for people in communities, and they provide support for disabled children by giving out wheelchairs and supporting them (via funds, and in other ways, to be able to attend school). This work has helped these people who are scattered throughout very rural areas and hard to reach places to have access to a better life, in accordance to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Vision and Mission
A Zambia where all children are happy
PNA wants to promote better life conditions for children within their communities, through tangible solutions which include supporting their education, well-being and development.
PNA will act in the best interests of the children and according to child and human rights.
PNA Zambia believe in the value of diversity and respect to the human rights of all people, and particularly of children, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, culture, and/or religion. They promise to be working together in honesty and mutual respect.
We are believe in: Transparency, Solidarity, Respect / Trust, Courage, and Responsibility / Accountability
Our beneficiaries
We want to help primarily children and youths who live in rural areas with special attention directed at disabled children.
“Pamodzi Ndi Ana” has a permanent office in Chipata, which is also a Centre for workshops and meeting. Other field activities are mainly in Chipata and surrounding Districts particularly Chipangali District of Eastern Province, Zambia.
How we work
How do we do work
We don't achieve our mission alone but we partner with other NGOs from different parts of the world who have similar aims as we do, we are open to collaboration and we think that cooperation among people should be beneficial for both parties.
We also promote and welcomes visitors and volunteers who want to help to achieve the “Pamodzi Ndi Ana” Mission.
Organization structure
PNA is ruled by the articles of association and has 5 Board members. This Board appoints the Managing Director. The staff includes Field Activities Co-ordinator, Social Workers, Accountant and Volunteers.
Our partners