Completed projects: Clean Water and Sanitation
Boreholes 2019
Project description:
The newly established Chipanagli district has more than 400 schools scattered in a vast area. Most of the schools get water from boreholes, but some of them are still using the traditional well nearby a swamp to get water. Schools without water face multiple challenges, students have to spend more time to go and fetch water (especially girls), and a lack of water can lead to a lack of hygiene in school and therefore a lack of concentration in class.
The project objective is to provide clean and available water for 12 selected schools by digging boreholes and fitting them with the Mark 2 pumps. All schools have a school wash committee in place, the committee is in charge of monitoring the use of the pump and keeping the surrounding area clean. Thanks to the newly drilled boreholes more than 4000 students have benefited and they can now learn in a conductive environment and practice hand washing, and drinking clean water.
The project was supported by Progetto Marco Onlus, Madzi Ali Moyo and other private donors.
Direct beneficiaries: 4000 students
Indirect beneficiaries: 20.000 people surrounding the schools
Total cost: 30.000 euro
Funded by: Madzi Ali Moyo, Progetto Marco Onlus, Private donors
Partners: Ministry of Education, Chipangali Distcit
Duration: July to November 2019
Kambwiri school latrines
Project description:
Kambwiri Community school is located in Mambwe District and the school has 240 students enrolled but until 2020 had no any latrines, the only latrine present was made out of traditional materials and was not secure or hygienically fit.
The project focused on the construction of one single latrine for the teachers, two latrines for the boys, and two latrines and a washroom for the girls.
The project also promoted information on the practical application of the 3 key hygienic behaviours of; hand washing, open free defecation and access to water.
All construction followed the prescribed plan for standard VIP (Ventilated Improved Pit) latrine. The Ministry of Education and the community contributed to the project with the digging of the latrines and by supplying crushed stones and river sand.
Direct beneficiaries: 240 students
Indirect beneficiaries: 1000 people
Total cost: 15.000 euro
Funded by: Raise a Smile, Rotary Club
Partners: Ministry of Education Mambwe District
Duration: 8 months