What we do
Children are the final beneficiaries of everything we do. We work with children, their families, women, youths, communities, organizations and the government to bring about positive development and reduce poverty among the children.
Our approach is based on the Child Rights and in line with the UN Sustainable Development goals, our five year strategic plan guides the organization and gives direction to our approach, special attention is given to supporting children with disabilities.
Improved health services for children and communities
To improve health services we build maternity units at outreach clinics to assist in the reduction of mortality rates among new born and mothers,( three units in the past three years). There is also a donor-assisted programme to work with children with disabilities, to improve their quality of life through access to treatment in specialist hospitals, empowering mothers with information and distribution of wheelchairs
Objective: To improve access to health services for children with disabilities and other vulnerable children in the targeted areas by 2026
To increase the number of children with disabilities and other vulnerable children accessing timely quality health services.
To improve infrastructure in rural clinics and health centers through renovation or construction for better provision of health services.
To increase collaboration among stakeholders in health for a more holistic support to children’s health.
To sustainably build the capacity of parents/guardians and caregivers of children with disabilities and other vulnerable children in targeted areas by 2020 and beyond.
Completed project on: Good Health & Well-being
Quality education for all children
The education program of Pamodzi ndi Ana (Together with Children), working in collaboration with the Ministry of General Education, is to increase school enrollment for children with disabilities and other vulnerable children, by constructing class room blocks and facilities at schools.
Other activities includes supplying desks, text books, training teachers and parents in selected topics, as well as the payment of school fees for selected pupils.
Objective: To increase access to quality education for children with disabilities and other vulnerable children in 2020 and beyond.
To increase school enrolment for school age children with disabilities and other vulnerable children.
To increase and sustain school sponsorship for children with disabilities and other vulnerable children.
To improve school infrastructure for targeted schools.
To enhance the capacity of teachers and parents Associations (PTAs) to better manage children with disabilities during school.
Completed projects in: Quality Education
Access to clean water and sanitation
The education program of Pamodzi ndi Ana (Together with Children), working in collaboration with the Ministry of General Education, is to increase school enrollment for children with disabilities and other vulnerable children, by constructing VIP (Ventilation Improved Pit) latrines, and digging boreholes.
Other activities includes training local community in the maintenance of boreholes.
Objective: To improve access to clean water and good sanitation.
To increase number of operational community boreholes in targeted areas.
To multiply through sensitization & awareness campaigns the number of households accessing and using clean water from drilled boreholes.
To improve the maintenance of community boreholes through increased participation of the beneficiaries/communities.
To enhance adoption of better sanitation practices and use of clean water by the communities.
Completed projects in: Clean water and sanitation